Get Ready For NO Money, NO Food, NO Power

The idea that the truth is concealed within many layers of meaning is a recurring motif in Russian folk tales.

It’s epic! The drama, the suspense, the horror… it makes Tolstoy’s War And Peace look like the Looney Tunes Show…

And, speaking of… if you think this is over-dramatic, you haven’t yet seen…

· Nancy Pelosi, sprinting to finish the Russian vodka before a hysterical Karen or Neil pour it all down the drain.

· Or, attention-deprived Dr. Fouchy as he realizes he’s become the littlest evil in the row. The one where the sun doesn’t shine…

· Or, Pfizer executives as they scramble to take cover in case not even a manufactured war is enough to distract from having their “safety” data exposed in court.

As I said, today’s show is kind of epic.

“Just ‘cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.”

– George Carlin

Watch for all the reasons they have to launch Weapons Of Mass Distraction. And what you have to look forward to as Non-Player Characters in The Greatest Show On Earth.

Life, as we know it right now, is not chance, or twist of fate. It has been carefully planned and openly simulated as serious games for years by military, government, secret service, police, corporate, and healthcare controllers.

To save yourself and your family you need to wake up and stand up. Then you need to start detaching yourself from everything you depend on government and institutions for. You don’t need banks, you don’t need mortgages, you don’t need a 401(k), you don’t need government indoctrination camps, soon you won’t even need dollars! You’ll be okay if the dollar goes to zero because you’ll be comfortably invested in cryptocurrencies and precious metals – and you’ll know exactly the right countries to park your cash and protect your virtual and bullion assets.

And what the “save lives, make war” virtue signalers don’t get, and probably never will, is that no matter how well-behaved and obedient they’ve been in the face of the plandemic, the course of their lives have been set – and it won’t be pretty.

You want to opt-out of the system?

Just do it! Sign up for the ZShark Master Program where you’ll learn how to build a powerhouse of a business, learn how to free yourself from Big Brother and create the biggest wealth creation opportunity ever. The ball is in your court.


Written by

Ziad K. Abdelnour, Wall Street financier, trader and author is President & CEO of Blackhawk Partners, Inc., a private family office that backs accomplished operating executives in growing their businesses both organically and through acquisitions and trades physical commodities – mostly oil derivatives – throughout the world.